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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


00:00:00:00 00:00:03:05 There is no peace for the sinner
00:00:03:05 00:00:07:02 No peace my friend, as long
as you are bound in sin
00:00:07:02 00:00:09:19 you will never have peace
00:00:09:19 00:00:14:19 because sin is the thing that separates
you from the face of God
00:00:14:19 00:00:19:23 the only way that you are
going to have peace in your life
00:00:19:23 00:00:21:03 is if you get rid of your sin
my friend
00:00:21:03 00:00:25:20 because only then you can come
into the presence of God
00:00:25:20 00:00:30:05 and experience His wonderful peace.
00:00:30:05 00:00:33:28 That is why many Christian believers
00:00:33:28 00:00:35:16 don't have peace
00:00:35:16 00:00:36:02 they are still sinners
00:00:36:02 00:00:39:22 They have not turned away from sin
00:00:39:22 00:00:43:11 They do not know Jesus
00:00:43:11 00:00:45:13 My friend, because Jesus came
00:00:45:13 00:00:48:09 to take away the sins of this world
00:00:48:09 00:00:53:06 He came so that we can be free
from the dominion of sin
00:00:53:06 00:00:54:20 and we can do the will of God.
00:00:54:20 00:00:57:23 That we can walk in the newnest of Spirit
00:00:57:23 00:01:00:01 and then our feet are going
to walk right as well
00:01:00:01 00:01:00:15 we are going to stop sinning
00:01:00:15 00:01:02:05 and do the will of God.
00:01:02:05 00:01:04:06 If you are still sinning you are not
a child of God
00:01:04:06 00:01:07:01 You might be a child of God
but a very naughty one
00:01:07:01 00:01:08:22 and He is going to punish you
my friend
00:01:08:22 00:01:12:04 until you come right or until you have
made up your mind
00:01:12:04 00:01:15:10 not to follow Him at all and
He is going to cut you off.
00:01:15:10 00:01:17:10 But the decision is yours
00:01:17:10 00:01:20:01 to follow Jesus and to stop sinning
00:01:20:02 00:01:21:29 or to go back to sin.
00:01:21:29 00:01:25:02 But you will never have peace
00:01:25:03 00:01:27:14 if you still got sin in your life.
00:01:27:14 00:01:32:07 As long as you still do the slightest bit
of sin my friend
00:01:32:07 00:01:34:03 you won't have peace.
00:01:34:03 00:01:36:10 There is no peace for a sinner.
00:01:36:10 00:01:38:11 If you sin, you are a sinner.
00:01:38:12 00:01:41:02 If you are a son of God,
you don't sin.
00:01:41:02 00:01:43:00 You do the will of God
00:01:43:01 00:01:46:17 You are constantly seeking
the will of Christ.
00:01:46:18 00:01:51:09 A child of God, does the will of God
00:01:51:09 00:01:54:02 If you sin, you are a sinner
00:01:54:02 00:01:58:13 Jesus said: he who sins is a slave of sin
00:01:58:13 00:02:00:14 My friend there is no peace
00:02:00:15 00:02:02:18 if you do the slightest sin
00:02:02:18 00:02:04:13 because then you are out of the will of God.
00:02:04:13 00:02:07:26 And God does not tolerate disobedience
00:02:07:27 00:02:09:07 for one disobedience
00:02:09:07 00:02:11:23 Adam died
00:02:11:23 00:02:17:17 He was removed from the
garden of Eden and he died.
00:02:17:18 00:02:19:29 If you want to come into the presence
of God
00:02:19:29 00:02:22:16 and you want to live in the
presence of God forever
00:02:22:16 00:02:25:03 you must get rid of sin my friend
00:02:25:03 00:02:31:17 Utterly and totally you got to be white,
clean, without spot or blemish
00:02:31:17 00:02:34:06 and only Jesus Christ can help you
do that my friend.
00:02:34:06 00:02:37:07 You got to have the
Light of Christ in you
00:02:37:07 00:02:42:15 so that, that Light continuously shines
in you and on you and through you
00:02:42:15 00:02:45:28 So that you can be without
spot or blemish
00:02:45:28 00:02:50:13 because NO SIN will come into the
presence of God my friend, nothing.
00:02:50:14 00:02:51:27 Jesus Christ is the Door
00:02:51:27 00:02:55:02 and that Door is so narrow,
very narrow
00:02:53:10 00:02:58:25 very few are going to go through there my friend
00:02:58:25 00:03:01:19 but Jesus will take your through there
00:03:01:19 00:03:05:17 if you OBEY HIM one hundred percent if you FOLLOW HIM.
00:03:05:17 00:03:09:06 Those who are LED by the SPIRIT OF GOD
they are the SONS OF GOD
00:03:09:06 00:03:13:23 His sheep know His voice
they listen to Him all the time
00:03:13:24 00:03:19:15 His Spirit is speaking inside of you, convicting you
of sin, righteousness, judgment.
00:03:19:15 00:03:22:07 When you go wrong He says, Hey stop!
00:03:22:08 00:03:25:15 You say, yes Lord, I am sorry, I am sorry,
then you go right immediately.
00:03:25:15 00:03:28:27 You don't carry on in your sin and you say
okay I am going to acknowledge
I am a sinner, you know.
00:03:28:27 00:03:32:06 No, then you are a SINNER and you are
on your way to HELL my friend.
00:03:32:06 00:03:34:28 There is NO PEACE for a SINNER,
no, never.
00:03:34:28 00:03:41:12 Many christians write to me they say they cannot
understand it, but there is a roof,
a roof above them when they pray,
00:03:41:13 00:03:43:03 they can't get through.
00:03:42:20 00:03:43:26 You are in sin my friend
00:03:43:26 00:03:46:22 You are in sin
00:03:46:22 00:03:52:16 Your sins and your iniquities have made
a barrier between you and God.
00:03:52:16 00:03:54:03 GO REPENT
00:03:53:25 00:03:58:17 You got bitterness, hate, maybe you are a racist
00:03:58:17 00:04:01:29 maybe you have stolen something,
maybe you hate your wife
00:04:01:29 00:04:06:02 maybe your are divorced,
you are disobedient to God
00:04:06:02 00:04:08:01 I don't know, God knows
00:04:08:01 00:04:11:18 Jesus knows what is between you
and Him, ask Him, He will tell you.
00:04:11:18 00:04:15:27 Immediately my friend when you
become serious with God,
when you say, Lord
00:04:15:27 00:04:17:23 what is this thing between me and You Lord
00:04:17:23 00:04:20:02 He will show it to you, right there
00:04:20:02 00:04:21:16 the light will go on like that
00:04:21:16 00:04:24:24 and you will know, why? Because
Christ is the light of the world
my friend
00:04:24:25 00:04:27:07 You will find it no where else.
00:04:27:07 00:04:31:25 My friend there is only peace in Jesus Christ
00:04:31:25 00:04:33:26 There is no peace for the sinner
00:04:33:27 00:04:38:20 You will only have peace, when
Jesus is in your heart my friend,
00:04:38:20 00:04:42:02 and there is NO SIN, NO SIN in you, no sin.
00:04:42:02 00:04:47:18 If you say you walk with God and
you say you are a son of God and you are
still sinning you are a liar.
00:04:46:29 00:04:51:14 Because God, with Him, there is no iniquity,
00:04:51:14 00:04:55:05 with Jesus Christ, there is no sin my friend.
00:04:55:05 00:04:57:25 He is pure righteousness,
He is the WORD OF GOD.
00:04:57:25 00:05:01:20 My friend, GET RID of your SIN.
00:05:01:20 00:05:06:16 Go on your knees now, REPENT,
00:05:06:17 00:05:10:11 because the moment you sin,
there is a barrier between
you and God my friend
00:05:10:12 00:05:11:12 get RID of it
00:05:11:12 00:05:13:06 Get rid of your sin
00:05:13:06 00:05:16:13 and then you will have peace
and then follow Jesus Christ
00:05:16:13 00:05:17:25 through that narrow Gate
00:05:17:25 00:05:21:05 into the presence of God and stay there
and don't SIN NO MORE
00:05:21:13 00:05:23:15 May Jesus bless you.

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