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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Give them Jesus

My friends, what this world needs

is not more money

not more prosperity

not more psychology

not more education

What this world needs

is JESUS my friend

Because when Jesus comes into your life my friend

you are changed and you change the world around you

People think that they can change circumstances in this world

by creating prosperity

It doesn't work that way, my friend

Peter came to that lame man and he said to him:

silver and gold have I none my friend

but what I do have I give unto you in the Name of Jesus Christ


He had Jesus in him and he could give Jesus my friend

The more you give to people the more you spoil them

you give your child money he goes and he does wrong things

he goes and he buys things for himself, that he does not need.

The more people got, the more they go away from God, my friend

Possessions do not make you rich my friend, possessions

do not solve any problem in this world, it creates problems.

Because it is the LUST of the FLESH,

that continuous craving of having, having... more

that is causing the trouble in this world.

It is because there is NO LOVE in this world, there is NO JESUS in this world.

You do not gain anything

by handing out money,

prosperity, building things for people,

giving things to people.

The more you give

the more people want my friend

and the more they really want, the more they really need.

Because the only One who can really and truely satisfy you my friend


There is only satisfaction in Jesus Christ my friend.

There is no other satisfaction

But to know, that you are in the will of God.

People are continuously unsatisfied, they crave, they kill

they murder, they steal, they bribe, they do anything

but they are unsatisfied

There is only PEACE to be found in JESUS CHRIST, my friend

The richer a mans gets, the more dissatisfied he gets

When the stock markets falls, then the rich people jump off the high buildings. Why?

They still got plenty left, but their whole world is crumbled into peaces.

What did they have? They had nothing.

They just had numbers on paper.

They didn't have life in them, they cast themselves in front of a running train.

Why is it? They are empty inside.

But my friend if you got the peace of Jesus Christ in you

Then you have to give

like Peter, he says silver and gold have I none my friend

but what I do have and he made the lame man walk.

Why? Jesus was in him my friend

The Mighty God, the Prince of Peace,

the King of kings was inside of him.

What have you got to give my friend?

Few peaces of silver, five cents here, a dime there, a dollar there.

Or do you have the peace of Christ to give to a person

Because if you give a person Jesus

he goes away with joy in his life.

Why is Africa not changed, why is the world not changed, my friend?

It is because the CHURCH has not given JESUS

they have gone out there and had given all kind of other things, they have handed out Bibles,

they have handed out money,

they have dug wells, they have done charities but they haven't given Jesus.

If you give a person Jesus, he's got love in his heart and he starts helping his neighbor.

He starts loving those around him

and he is start using what God has given him, my friend.

And the poverty goes away.

Because Christ in him is sufficient

and Christ in him, blesses him.

When you just hand out

you just make parasites

but when you give Jesus my friend

that person himself has got something to give.

When Jesus healed that man at the bath of Betesda

He said to him, go tell.

Go tell the whole city, go tell everybody what has happened to you

and what happened? They all came to Jesus and they received life.

My friend the only way to joy, the only way to fulfillment

is to have Jesus Christ in you.

It is not the things of this world.

All those nice things that you buy today, they redundant tomorrow.

You see these motor cars they stand next to the road

the tags are off them, why?

They guy got a new one and that new one is going to last for a little while then nobody wants it.

He is not going to be able to sell it, then it is also standing there.

Littering and polluting the world, that is what America looks like.


We have become rich

but we are poor and naked,


Because people don't have Jesus

Because they don't want Him, they want the things of this world

and in the end

they are the losers.

In the end, they die, without Christ.

In the end, Jesus says to them: GO AWAY, I NEVER KNEW YOU.

My friend

having things

is not life.

Having Jesus is life.

Owning things is nothing, what are you going to take with you?

Have you ever seen a Uhaul behind a hearse?

are you going to take the dollars with you?

Everything that you got?

No, they are going to keep you out of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Be cause Jesus said

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle

than for a rich man to go into Heaven


He clings to all his posessions

People covet they want all these things of the world, the lust of the flesh.

And they stay unsatisfied,

they don't follow Jesus Christ

they never have peace in their hearts, they don't have eternal life.

They crave all kinds of things, knowledge

some people are besotted with knowledge

they just want to read, read, read...

They have the one qualification after the other

People crave after all kinds of things my friend

But there is only One who can satisfy my friend

and that is Jesus Christ.

Because He, Himself, only Jesus, is the Way

He is the Truth He is the Life

He is God Almighty

If you don't have Jesus my friend

you got nothing

you are dead

The moment you put your head down

you are in a dark, deep black hole.

I have been there.

I had a heart attacked, I died. I went down that deep, dark black hole

you are stripped, you got nothing my friend

and you are going down, you are not coming back, ever.

And you know it is finished forever and ever, you are not coming back.

I pleaded with God, I said, Lord let me please come back, let me come back, let me come back!

I had nothing to offer.

Then I said, Lord, let me go and warn people

that this is terrible, this is real,

hell is forever

there is nothing as bad as this.

I have never been so empty in my life

I have never been so deserted,

when I went down that black hole.

But you know what?

Jesus gave me a chance, He let me come back

to tell you today my friend

you need Jesus.

Jesus came into my heart, my friend

I've got life

I've got life, when I put down my head, my friend

I am not going to die

because Jesus said: Those who believe in Him, will never die

they have eternal life.

If they stay with Him, if they obey Him, if they follow Him all the time, if they obey Him day by day,

live in His prsence. They stop sinning.

They do the will of God.

Then you got life my friend

If you don't have Jesus

you have nothing my friend, nothing.

Stop seeking the things of the world my friend

it is all going to perish.

But those who do the will of God

they will live forever my friend.

You want eternal life?

Seek Jesus and follow Him with all your heart my friend.

May Jesus bless you.

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